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The Secret Lives of Numbers by Alfred S. Posamentier takes readers on a journey through integers, considering their numerological assignments as well as their significance beyond mathematics and in the realm of popular culture. In this book, the author provides short and engaging mini-biographies of more than 100 numbers, starting with 1 and featuring some especially interesting numbers –like 6,174, a number with most unusual properties –to provide readers with a more comprehensive picture of the lives of numbers both mathematically and socially.

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Tom Read Wilson's book 'On the Tip of My Tongue' is a curated list of words with witty analysis of their origins, meanings, and practical applications. The book is divided into sections spanning various aspects of life, including dating, personal development, show business, compliments, curses, and more. The book features words and phrases like 'companion', 'Bayeux Tapestry', and 'JOMO'.

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In Scienceblind, Andrew Shtulman explains how our intuitive theories about the world, which we develop as children, are often wrong and prevent us from understanding science as it really is. He argues that we must dismantle these theories and rebuild our knowledge from its foundations to gain a truer picture of the world and clearer solutions to controversies around vaccines, climate change, or evolution.

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Atomic Habits by James Clear offers a proven framework for improving every day. Clear draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. The book provides practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. Whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an industry, or simply an individual who wishes to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, or achieve any other goal, Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits.

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Discover the unbreakable laws that govern the universe and how they affect our daily lives. This book uses stunning illustrations to explain complex scientific phenomena, starting from the science in our kitchens and expanding outwards to encompass the entire universe.

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Trish Ann Konieczny shares her experiences as a wildlife rehabilitator, rescuing birds and beasts alike. She narrates her unique encounters with her needy new friends and how they’ve each provided a window into the animal kingdom God has created for us to care for and enjoy. The book is filled with heartwarming antics and up close looks at life in animal rescue, revealing incredible insights into our relationship with God’s magnificent creation.

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The book explores the benefits of connecting with strangers and how it affects our health, well-being, and the rise and fall of nations. It argues that welcoming others is the bedrock of civilization and the surest path to the best of what life has to offer. The book challenges the notion that strangers are the cause of our problems and suggests that they may actually be the solution.

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Margaret Welty and Weston Winters team up to participate in the Halfmoon Hunt to kill the legendary hala, the last living mythical creature, and unlock an ancient magical secret. In this atmospheric, rich fantasy world, they uncover dark magic that could be the key to winning the hunt and bringing Margaret's mother home. Allison Saft has written an achingly tender love story set against a deadly hunt.

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